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"ABAD" beneficiary: Khanum Zurnaeva | Region: Balakan | Preserves
Khanum Zurnaeva
Residing in Shambul village of the Balakan region, Ms. Zurnayeva develops her own family business along with working as a school teacher.

According to Mrs. Zurnaeva, she has cooked jam and preserves for about 20 years.

"I cook jams in different assortments, make various juices. But we did not have sizeable sales before. We had sold small quantities of our products to our neighbors in our village. Therefore, we decided to apply to the Balaken regional "ABAD" center to further develop our family business. "

"ABAD" has created "Meyve baghi" (Fruit Garden) brand name for Zurnaevs’ family. At the initial stage, the family prepares watermelons, walnuts and pear jams and intends to multiply the range of products in the future:

"Previously, I could not cook more than 15-20 kilograms a day at home. Our conditions did not allow it. Today, the ABAD has provided me with equipment that allows me to cook 300-400 kilograms of preserves in a larger volume. Now, our job has become much easier. Our products are introduced to the market with their own name, "Fruit Garden". This brand has been created for our family ".

Mrs.Zurnayeva is confident that her products will take their rightful place in the Azerbaijani market:

"Together with our family, we are going to make new types of jams. Our products are completely natural and we use our own farm and fruits collected from our village. I believe that the taste of our products, which is presented under our brand "Meyve baghi" (Fruit Garden), will become famous by word of mouth of satisfied consumers".
